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Aokigahara Forest Tour


Here is Tada`s outdoor tour THE HIGHEST PEAK.

Please read this article. I`ve start this blog because there are two reason. One of the reason is for improve my Englsih skill.second one is wanted to intoroduce my product for all of people who visit to Japan. So I apologize first for you guys. guys? or Gays? which one is correct spell?? OK anyway.........You will find many mistake in this blog.I think it is quite difficult to read my article.grammer ,spell.....something like that.but please read it with you guess.Please guess what I want to say. Thank you.........

All right.First bog in English is intoroduce of my product.

Here is the brave customer who joined my tour yesterday.

They came from Australia. It`s family trip.

they said that it is first time to visit to Japan.

even first time to oversea.that`s special.

I wanted them enjoy my tour. I think they did.

So my company provide you outdoor activity at Mt.Fuji Area

Cave Tour,Climb mountain,climb Mt.Fuji.Cycling Tour.....and so on.

this is one of popular tour `Aokigahara Forest Walk & cave Tour`

I know everyone have bad impression to this forest.people call here suicide forest or haunted Forest.but It`s not true.there is nothing scare of it. You will not find body in this forest. you will find good things in this forest. so please join this tour.

ohhhh. I`m tired to write this article in english.I want to write more about Tour.but I can`t write anymore. maybe I will next time..... please check photos from now. see you next time.





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